Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Beauty of Song

This is one of my favorite moments ever in the Lord of The Rings trilogy. This shows why it can be so important to mix song with action events that contrast each other. Editing, an amazing thing here.

Aside from his quite beautiful singing voice, Billy Boyd does a great job showing the pain his character feels knowing that men are dying and the Steward may lose his only son now but doesn't seem to care.

Favorite scene!

Is there a scene from LOTR that you find that the cross editing makes it so much more beautiful or where the music adds everything to the scene? What about in other movies? Feel free to post a video of it.

Here is my favorite for you to see.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Movie World VS. Real Word

We all have those moments were we just wish that our lives were like those in the movies. We all wish that those prince charming characters or princesses will be out their for us. We wish we could go on some great adventure and go off to save the day, but the sad truth is life isn't a movie.

I know that I wish I could go on an adventure with Indiana Jones, but what are the odds of that ever happening? I just recently went through a breakup and someone said to me "Don't worry, you're a film major. You know how it ends. He will be all romantic and show up to apologize with flowers." REALLY?! Thats the advice I get? How can people be tricked into that idea that their life will be just like the movies?

As a kid, starting with Disney movies, it seems like kids are getting ideas that their life can be like that of all the Disney princesses. Boys want to be like all the action heroes that save the day and fight the dragons.

Emma Stone's character of Olive in Easy A puts it best when she says this...

Everyone would want this! Hell I honestly wish my relationship was as romantic as a movie sometimes. Coming home to roses forming a path to the dinning room where a romantic dinner is set up and my boyfriend there waiting. I want to go to graduation and when I have my diploma in hand I want to look up and see him standing there waiting for me. I wish he would be at my door step with flowers for me when I get home from work to say sorry.  But as she said, my life isn't a good 80s movie.

Films are made to over fantasize all emotions and life experiences. If a character loses someone its not a simple death, no, rather they are hit by a car and thrown from the road so the body is never found. And somehow everyone viewer will "relate" to this.

This blog is more of a rant, but am I missing something in the world? Why do people think their life will be that of one in a movie? Why do we strive to relate with characters we have NOTHING in common with?

Things about the film world I'll never understand.

But tell me, have you seen this before in life? Even if it's yourself, is there something you see in the film world you wish could happen?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Future Of This Blog

Hello Everyone!!!!

So we are reaching the last few weeks of this spring semester for me. This also means that this will be my last few weeks before I graduate with a degree in English/Lit (focus in Creative Writing) and a second major in Film Studies.

This blog was originally just part of a class I'm taking at the moment, but I have grown to love posting on here about one of my greatest passion. So I will be continuing to post on this blog and bring a new spark to it.

I would like some feedback though on what YOU want to see! Tell me what you want more of. More trivia, random facts, my top... lists. Whatever you want.

Here is something you can look forward to this summer in the blog!!!

Starting in a two weeks I will be posting videos once or twice a month featuring different topics. We will have things such as interviews with fell classmates of mine that are studying film, teachers of mine that have great views on the world of film and maybe some hidden surprises.

One thing I will be doing is "My first time watching..." (working progress on the name) where I will take people who have never seen movies that "everyone else" has seen such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Wizard of Oz, and Jaws. I will have a short clip with them BEFORE the screening to see what they will expect then a clip AFTER to see their reactions. Sound good?

Also this summer I will be posting video reviews of films that I have seen. Warning though...if I really like or dislike a film...I get very enthusiastic. Hahaha.

But thank you so much for reading my blog and PLEASE post some feedback!!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Too Soon?

So on the radio I heard that the writers of Glee and several other film writers are now writing scripts about school shootings.

It was asked on the radio and now I'm asking you...

Is it too soon for school shootings to be made into a form of entertainment?

Personally yes, far too soon. But I can see the "lesson" one can learn form the films/shows and the message it sends. This is very sensitive ground now and it may be best not to tread on it yet.

But what about your thoughts on it?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Off Topic

So this has nothing to do with film, but is very close to home. Just keep your thoughts and best wishes open to those who were killed or injured in Boston today. I don't live far from there and this is a horrible thing to happen. This year hasn't started off on a great note with so many shootings and now this. Just keep them in your prayers if you believe in that, if not at least offer up good wishes and hopes that they all get better.

Thank You!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Iconic Movie Scores!!!

Not much I need to say here other than CLASSIC!!! Today I will be seeing Jurassic Park in IMAX 3D. Though I am against regular 3D due to it being a real rip off, IMAX 3D really takes EVERYTHING in a film and makes it 3D unlike regular 3D that will only take one or two things in each shot.

But this is about movie scores! There are always movies that the score becomes the icon of the film such as Jurassic Park and other films such as Star Wars.

Without cheating and using google, what are other films that have such iconic scores? Keep in mind, there can not be singing within the score.

Mean while, here is a classic we all love!

Also on a side note...My best friend has never seen Jurassic Park before...anyone else find that shocking!? Any other classic films such as that you would recommend she see? (she also never saw the original Star Wars films...she saw Episode I in 3D...big mistake...it's my fault though.)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Movie Score That Makes You Think...

Ever hear a film score that for some reason is unsettling yet beautiful at the same time? Something feels wrong, you never saw the movie but for some reason something feels...off. That's the feeling I get when I hear this song, Requiem for a Dream from the 2000 film of the same name.

How does it make you feel? Have you ever heard a song that made you feel unsure or gave you a mesh of emotions?

Take a listen!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Movie Score and TRIVIA!!!!

So here is another one if my FAVORITE movie scores ever. It's from an un expected film, The Mask of Zorro from 1998. The music always moves in perfect time and really catches the spirit of the moment...but...FOR THE TRIVIA!!!

In the song (starting at about 20 seconds) there is this tapping/clapping sound that can be heard with a solo of the sound shortly after. What is making that sound? It can be hurt throughout most of the song.

Take a listen!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Movie Scores!!!

It is often said that a movie score can make or break a film. If the music doesn't match, it wont work and will flop. There is even an Academy Award dedicated to best original score.

Here is one that i felt was over looked. 

Peter Pan that was released in 2003. A sweet adaptation of a classic story, but listen to a few songs that I will attach. Every time I hear them I feel so relaxed or inspired. 

Is there a movie that has a score that you just love? 

This week I will post further scores that I feel truly shine. 

what about this!!!