Saturday, February 23, 2013

Academy Awards Promo Favorite?

Hey everyone! Sorry for the gap in post, haven't been feeling so great. BUT TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! The Academy awards are showing tomorrow and I can't wait! In prep for the big night, there have been two amazing promo videos for it staring the host (and local star), Seth Macfarlane. Please tell me which one you like best! I personally love the 007 one because I always wonder why people say "shaken not stirred" but gotta love a good Psycho spoof!


  1. Having watched the broadcast, I'd say that either of these short, funny promos is far funnier than the opening routines of the show itself. The 'visit from the future' routine, with Shatner re-donning his turtle-necked Starfleet Admiral duds, was pretty stilted, but at least had its moments of prescience -- Seth MacFarlane ruins Oscars is indeed a headline today!

  2. I will agree that he was not my favorite host (Billy Crystal will always be the best) but i did think he had some funny moments and jokes. From what i heard he had many more jokes that they wouldn't let him use to to them being "inappropriate" but at the same time...they let him sing a song called "we saw your boobs." I expected it to be much more gritty and mocking towards some of the films that were nominated.
