Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So, Ben Affleck WASN'T nominated for best director at the Academy Awards...ok...no problem at all...he will just go and win BEST PICTURE.

In the history of the Academy awards, only three times (before this past year) has a film won best picture without the director being nominated for best director. Ben Affleck is the fourth person in history to do that. I will admit that i found it shocking that he didn't even receive a nomination and I'm sure he took an ego hit with that, but he took that and shoved it in the face of so many by winning best picture on Sunday.

Odds where not in his favor, but i guess this proves that sometimes the "unlikely" can become happen.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Academy Awards Promo Favorite?

Hey everyone! Sorry for the gap in post, haven't been feeling so great. BUT TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! The Academy awards are showing tomorrow and I can't wait! In prep for the big night, there have been two amazing promo videos for it staring the host (and local star), Seth Macfarlane. Please tell me which one you like best! I personally love the 007 one because I always wonder why people say "shaken not stirred" but gotta love a good Psycho spoof!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine Movie Night?

So it's the big Valentines day tomorrow! Need a good movie to watch with your loved one? Here are my top five love films to watch.

1. Moulin Rouge (amazing and funny love with a shocking ending)
2. Princess Bride (cheesey funny and sappy all in one)
3. Love Actually (may be set around Christmas time but still great! also has a GREAT cast)

4. A Walk to Remember (sad but still sweet, very sappy)
5. Bridget Jones Diary (amazingly funny and such fun to watch to joke about love)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quote trivia!

So here is a trivia for everyone! Tell me WHAT FILM the quote is from and WHO said it. For extra credit tell me what scene it is from and what is going on. The quote is....

"Funny, she doesn't look Druish."

One does simply....

Anyone else sick of this meme? I will say though, every once in a while i find a good one. Ever find a good Lord of the Rings meme? If so send me a link and I'll post the best one!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Who are they!?

So here is the game. This is a picture from the book that a series of films were adapted after. You must tell me what film they are from, who is in it, and what is happening! This is an easy one! Give it a try though!

(Russell Potter! Shhh! This is too easy for you!)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I am guilty of never seeing...

Face it, there has to be some movie that you feel everyone has seen but you. WHAT IS IT!?

I will confess....I have never seen seen a Monty Python film before. Never! I hear people quoting it on a day to day basis and feel like I'm missing out on every joke. 

At the same time though, my mother has never seen Princess Bride! How can you go through your life never seeing Princess Bride? 

Tell me what film makes you feel this way or what film you think everyone must see before they die.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Classic Batman.....

Best part of Batman Forever. As a kid I never got it until I watched it randomly a month ago and couldn't stop laughing.

Of all the OLD BATMAN movies, what was your favorite. IT CAN NOT BE ONE WITH CHRISTIAN BALE!