Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Respect for Christian Bale

This is not going to be about a movie today, but rather about an actor I and slowly gaining more respect for.

I will admit, Christian Bale was never my favorite person. He seemed so self centered and cocky at times and when he had that yelling fit on the Terminator set, I couldn't stand him at all. Did I like his acting, yes, but as a person I almost detested him.

After the midnight showing shootings at Aurora it became well known that Bale, one of the most demanded actors in Hollywood at the moment, took time go spend they day with the hospitalized victims from the shooting. It was then that I began to gain more respect for him as a person.

But it was a video that make me truly see that he is growing and becoming more than a great man, but a great human being.

Zach Guillot is an eight-year-old boy suffering from Leukemia. He spends most of his time in in a hospital and loves Batman more than anything. The Guillot even tells people HE is Batman and his younger brother believes him.

While in the hospital one day, Guillot received a phone call from none other than Batman himself, Christian Bale. Guillot's mother videotaped the entire phone conversation where Bale is on speaker and posted it on youtube.
If this doesn't touch your heart, I'm not sure what will.

But wait! There is more! Yesterday Zach received another gift sent to him by Christian Bale, a backpack filled entirely of Batman themed items. The gifts included action figures, coloring books, a blanket, and a signed photo of Batman from Christian Bale.
I truly bow my head in respect to Bale for reaching out to this young boy. It is not easy for children to live like this but it's acts such as this that can make their lives so much better. So hats of to Christian Bale, please keep up the kind acts, there should be more actors and celebrities reaching out in this way.

1 comment:

  1. If anything, Bale seems to be one of the few actors who has retained their humanity amid a world of fame and riches. Not perfect, but I have utmost respect for him.
