Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Truth Behind The King's Speech

Back from London!

On my trip to London, I thought about one of my favorite movies ever, The King's Speech.

Before the film was released, many people did not know that King George VI spoke with a horrific stutter. To think that this film took place not too long ago and so few people knew what truly went on.

But did you know that much of the theories behind stuttering are proven true? Such as if a person has their ears covered or they can't hear themselves, they won't speak with a stutter. Also, a person is incapable to sing with a stutter.

There are very few films out there containing main characters with stutters who learn to overcome it. In a way, those with stutters are a minority in films today. After the release of The King's Speech, there was a great response from those with stutters who were proud that there was now a representative of themselves in a film.

I myself do not have a stutter when I speak, but growing up I had a great deal of difficulty reading. Because of this, I formed a fear as a child of reading out loud in front of crowds. When I would read out loud, I would read with a terrible stutter and would mess up every few words. However, if I were ever asked to sing what I read, there would be no stuttering.

Why? It is impossible to sing with a stutter! When singing you use a different part of your brain, also the reason you can't sing with an accent.

Also, there is not proof that stuttering is phycological. So when a person cannot hear themselves, they will not stutter because they are not aware of what they are saying.

It is amazing how much we know about overcoming stutters, but I personally never noticed how far back some of these ideas went.

But back to film, if you are ever looking for a nice historical yet touching movie to watch, with no hesitation I would say The King's Speech. Considering that we see Queen Elizabeth as a child, the film also brings a "close to home" feeling due to how not long ago it was. The film brings a hidden past that many never knew about and tells the world that even a king can have a flaw, but with strength, anyone can overcome them.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Leaving for a while

So I just found out this Saturday that for my graduation gift, my best friend and I are going to LONDON for 10 DAYS!!!

I will be leaving tomorrow and won't be back until June 1st. This means there will be no new posts for a while. I am sorry there haven't been many, but with graduation and work, things got crazy. 

Can't wait to report back on the trip and do more movie reviews!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

MY First Time Seeing.....

So I must confess something....... I've never seen a Star Trek movie before....

I KNOW! But it's true...So here's the thing...The love of my life, Benedict Cumberbatch has been casted as the villain of the new Star Trek movie Into Darkness.


It is taking all the power in the word for me not to run to go see him and scream like a fan girl, but I have a question for everyone....

Should I watch the original Star Trek movie first or should I just go see the new one then watch the older ones?

Because of my lack of Trek knowledge I fear it will make it hard for me to understand. Who thinks I'm safe?!

If I see Into Darkness first, I will kick off my


For the first time ever...I sat in a theater where the ENTIRE theater BOOed the movie!!

I love the director, Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies ever! That being said....


1. The Great Gatsby IS NOT A LOVE STORY!!!
2. Can you say BAD ACTING!?
3. look like a Great Gatsby....but please...don't talk anymore...
4. Toby...not bad...but dear god...could they make you any more naive?!
5. No...that is not what it was like during the 20s...parties were not that over the top!
6. Old sport!? You say that one more time in that accent and I'll slap someone...
7. Baz Luhrmann....I love your style...but really?! WHAT'S WITH THE MUSIC?
8. Can anyone tell me what happened to Myrtle? She like...vanished for the entire length of the movie and then she is BEEP!! (spoiler alert)
9. Do I feel bad for anyone in the movie? NOPE
10. Was I sad that Gatsby died? NOPE

All in all...TERRIBLE!

This was NOT The Great Gatsby.

If you want to watch a good movie, watch the 1974 version with Mia Farrow. Now that is a good movie! not waste your money!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Great Gatsby Or Not So Great??

So tomorrow I will be going to see the new Great Gatsby movie by one of my favorite directors, Baz Luhrmann.

So this is how I see it...the movie will either be AMAZING...or just terrible....

But here is what i want to know...the casting...who do you think will be better or is better if you saw it?

Leonardo DiCaprio VS Robert Redford
Carey Mulligan VS Mia Farrow
Tobey Maguire VS Sam Waterston

Who do you think best plays the lead characters? you even consider Great Gatsby a "love story"?

I know what one viewer will say, but think about you think there was ever ANY love in the story or just lust and Daisy using Gatsby?

I will be posting a video the next few days with a review of the film!

Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Today?

Anyone know what today is??? Revenge of the 6th!!!!

(And my last class as a Undergrad student!)